So I understand that a lot of my fans have been disappointed with the lack of new content up here the past week or so. Well, I apologize but I must claim that it has been a busy time. My visitors come and go, my daddy is back at work, and my mommy seems really tired.
There is also something else. You see, we here at the house have not had cable TV since we moved here last year. Keep in mind I was in the womb most of the time, but my parents just had rabbit ears since they got out house in November. Now if you know my daddy, you might find that hard to believe. But it is true! However, that era has come to an end.
My daddy broke down and got cable. And he didn't just get cable, he went crazy and got the digital cable with HD and DVR and all that junk. So its been awesome lately, with TV shows we forgot we liked and all sorts of fun stuff to figure out.
The best part is the DVR (like Tivo) which lets us program and record shows really easy, then blast throw commericals and catch up with everything. My daddy has his
Motorola HD-DVR box from Comcast all figured out now, and we are actually able to watch the shows we like in less time. It is so fun!
But at any rate, I got a bunch of stuff I am going to show y'all this weekend, so keep checking back. Thanks, and don't forget to keep in touch!